Trtf4 Download
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The Return To Freddy's 4 is the fourth version of The Return To Freddy's game based on a Pizzeria with horror themed Animatronics. 15 years after Fazbear Fantasy Land has been demolished, Government has came to a decision to make animatronics legal again. May 25, 2015 You have to have the reactions of sonic the hedehog after 10 cans of monster to beat this game! Nonetheless it was a great game and we enjoyed playing it! TRTF 4 V 0.2 on Scratch by geniusmaniac. Add this project to a studio you curate (or remove it from a studio) Just click on the button for any of the studios from the list below.
4 years agoThere was no gameplay sadly, but there was a cutscence. The title screen also looks different, instead of it being twitchy Lockjaw, it's an image of a Freddy head on a box with flickering lights.
When you start story mode, you're greeted with a pixelated Clickteam logo, than the BFPKitty logo, than it's a cutscence next.
It's quite similar to TRTF4, but this time a bunch of lights shine on a GREEN GUY ANIMATRONIC. THAT'S RIGHT KIDS. But continuing on, then some error lights appear and start flashing and the screen shakes and then... silence.
A text box appears, in a summary, you're an investigator at the building with the Machine, and everything that happened before, was just a nightmare. You're the Lockjaw kid all grown up.
Then after that fades, TRTF:R logo appears with a nice melody that reminds me of Ib. The melody itself is not from Ib though. I'll try to record footage of it, but I feel that it'll be laggy.
That's all for now folks, stay tuned and don't do drugs.