Aug 25, 2018 Staples USB-to-Serial Adapter is used by 3 users of Software Informer. The most popular version of this product among our users is 2.0. The most popular version of. The latest driver setup of Staples USB has been released by its developers and free download links are available for download. Staples Edition is sold exclusively at Staples retail and online stores. It takes external USB flash drives to the next rugged level.
- Staples Adapter Staples Serial On USB Port - Staples Adapter Staples Serial On USB Port - two ways of downloading and installing the driver Staples Serial On USB Port is a Ports device. This driver was developed by Staples Adapter.
- Staples Corporate Solution 20+ Employee Customer Program Opens a new window Overview Opens a new window Program Benefits Opens a new window Facility Solutions Opens a new window Print Solutions Opens a new window Breakroom Solutions Opens a new window Managed Print Services Opens a new window Office Products & Solutions Opens a new window Green.
- Download and install Staples Adapter Staples Serial On USB. 2. How to use DriverMax to install Staples Adapter Staples Serial On USB Port driver The most important advantage of using DriverMax is that it will install the driver for you in the easiest possible way and it will keep each driver up to date.
- 8.2.5 Plug in the USB-Serial adapter into USB port. 8.2.6 To make sure that your computer can use the device, you have check the 'Apple System Profile'-'Device and Volumes'. It will show the USB Device.It will show in USB port 'USB-Serial Controller'.
- I figured I'd try to help eliminate a headache if I can. I picked up a Serial to USB adapter today for my LC1. Took me a couple hours to figure out why it didn't work.
USB to Serial converters are solving the problems of many computer users since it converts USB signals into the display and you can get the use of them. Now one of the makers of these devices are Staples and if you have got one of these devices, you will be looking forward to getting the best performance out of your device. Now, this is not possible without getting a software what we usually call a driver because it is a software which is built for a particular device to work properly.
If you have looked forward to downloading Staples USB To Serial Driver for your device but you couldn’t find one and now you have found our website then you are just at the right spot. Here, you can download all kind of drivers for your different devices such as android smartphones and others, laptop and desktop computers, USB and audio boxes, and many other you can name. Also, these drivers are absolutely free to download and we don’t charge any money or offer for them. To get these drivers from our website, all you need to do is to click the free download link given at the end of this article and you will get the free Staples USB To Serial Driver files for yourself.
The installing procedure of these drivers is very easy and if you need to learn them, you can check any of the articles in which we have provided the driver’s files and also the installation procedure. I am not mentioning the installation procedure here because it is the same for this device just like we have done it for many another device. Now if you want to get this Staples USB To Serial Driver for your device, simply click the free download link given below and you will be done. Install them and use your Staples USB To Serial device. Keep visiting our website for more free drivers and other software.
Description: Staples USB To Serial Driver Free Download
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Here you will find useful tools, utilities and diagnostics software for serial communication, including drivers and user manuals for all our products. |
Recommended reading: |
5 Steps for Selecting the Right USB to Serial adapter |
Free Useful Tools and Diagnostics Software for Serial Communication |
AccessPort 1.37 | COM port terminal software for Windows | | 441KB |
Tera Term | Terminal software alternative 1 for Windows | | 7.32MB |
Putty | Terminal software alternative 2 for Windows | | 444KB |
ZTerm | Terminal software for MAC | | 678KB |
RS232 Data Logger | RS232 Data Logger | RS232 Data | 780KB |
Portmon | Monitor Serial and parallel ports | | 190KB |
Hercules | Advanced Multi port (TCP, COM) terminal software | | 567KB |
Mitty | (Multi-Threaded TTY) is an easy to use high performance RS-232 serial terminal program. | | 21.9KB |
YAT | Yat (Yet Another Terminal), Serial COM terminal program | | 1.04MB |
Serial COM Player | This software records and plays back serial data from your computer's serial ports | Serial | 160KB |
ezTerm | TCP terminal software | | 67.50KB |
Serial Null | Simulates RS232 serial ports connected via virtual null-modem | | 563KB |
Serial Remap | Remaps all data from one serial port to another | | 375KB |
Serial Trace | Monitors, displays, logs and analyzes all serial port activity | | 566KB |
SAL232 | Serial port analyzer and logger | | 262KB |
COM Port Stress Test | Generates a serial stream of data with random comm. settings | | 3.34MB |
COM Port Data Emulator | Emulates a COM port or an Ethernet device, that generates a serial stream of data. The program can create a data flow, wrap it to data packets (RS232, TCP/IP or UDP) and send to a port | | 3.43MB |
RealTerm | Advanced Serial terminal capturing, controlling and debugging | | 860KB |
Acrylic WiFi | The Most Advanced WLAN Scanner | | 4.21MB |
RemSerial | Virtual COM software for Linux (tested with BF430 and XS1000) | | 9.13KB |
Below are drivers and datasheets for most of our products

Serial RS232, RS485 and RS422 |
Part no. | Description | Processor | Files | Size |
XS202 | RS232 to RS422 port-powered | MAX491 / Philips HEF4093 | Datasheet.pdf | 155KB |
XS201A | RS232 to RS485 port-powered | MAX485E / Philips74HCT14 | Datasheet.pdf | 127KB |
XS203 | RS232 to RS485/422 port-powered | Datasheet.pdf | 134KB |
XS216 | RS232 to RS485/422 Industrial | Datasheet.pdf | 145KB |
XS503 | RS232 to RS485 / RS422 Ext Pwr, Iso | Datasheet.pdf | 130KB |
AN232ISO | RS232 Optical Isolator 3-wire | TLP521 / ICL7660 | Datasheet.pdf | 124KB |
XS2112 | RS232 Optical Isolator 8-wire | Datasheet.pdf | 135KB |
XS202 | RS232 Repeater | MAX491 / Philips HEF4093 | Datasheet.pdf | 155KB |
Usb Serial Controller Driver
USB to Serial RS232 |
Part no. | Description | Processor | Files | Size |
ANU232Mi | USB to RS232 Mini | Prolific PL2303 | Drivers / | 4.16MB |
XS882 | USB to RS232 - Mini PRO | FTDI FT232BL | Drivers / | 4.16MB |
ANU232STD | USB to RS232 Standard | Prolific PL2303 | Drivers / | 4.16MB |
XS8801 | USB to RS232 Professional | FTDI FT232BL | Drivers / | 11.0MB |
XS880 | USB to RS232 Ultimate | FTDI FT232BL | Drivers / | 11.0MB |
Y-106 | USB to 2 x RS232 | MosChip MCS7820 | Drivers / | 8.48MB |
UMC-104 | USB to 4 x RS232 | FTDI FT232BL | Drivers / | 11.0MB |
USB to Serial RS485 and RS422 |
Part no. | Description | Processor | Files | Size |
US485MIO | USB to RS485 Mini | SilLabs CP2102 | Drivers / | 11.5MB |
MWE820A | USB to RS485/422 Mini | SilLabs CP2102 | Drivers / | 11.5MB |
XS885 | USB to RS485/422 Mini Indust. | FTDI FT232RL | Drivers / | 11.0MB |
XS850 | USB to RS485 / RS422 Standard | Prolific PL2303 | Drivers / | 4.16MB |
XS890 | USB to RS485/422 Professional | FTDI FT232BL | Drivers / | 11.0MB |
SN-060519 | USB to RS485 Compact Pro | FTDI FT232BL | Drivers / | 11.0MB |
U485G | USB to RS422/485 Isolated | FTDI FT232BL | Drivers / | 11.0MB |
MWE820B | USB to RS232/485/422 Isolated | SilLabs CP2102 | Drivers / | 11.5MB |
Wireless Serial |
Part no. | Description | Processor | Files | Size |
WA-232B | Serial WiFi Adapter | Broadcom BCM4390 | Utilities + | 7.52MB |
YSC10U | RS232 Wireless RF 1600 FT | SP232 / LPC922F / CC1101 | Drivers + User | 1.46MB |
YSC30L | RS232/485 Wireless RF 9800 FT | SP232 / LPC921F / CC1101 | Drivers + User | 1.24MB |
UCBT232B | Bluetooth to Serial Adapter | CSR BC04 | User manual + Tera | 8.56MB |
UCBT232EXA | Bluetooth to Serial Adapter, Industrial | CSR BC04 | User manual + Tera | 8.56MB |
BL34 | External Bluetooth Dongle 100ft | Conwise CW6626 | Drivers Win 98, 2000, | 157KB |
ES-388 | External Bluetooth Dongle 300ft | Drivers XP, Vista (32/64-bit).zip | 1.09MB |
Bluesoleil v.2.3 | Bluetooth admin software. 98/2000/XP/2003, 32-bit. Full | Bluesoleil | 27MB |
Toshiba BT Stack | Bluetooth admin software. XP, Vista, 7, 8, 32/64-bit. 30 day Trial | Toshiba BT Stack | 77.9MB |
Staples Usb To Serial 18762 Driver Download

Serial over Ethernet |
Part no. | Description | Processor | Files | Size |
XS1000 | 1 x Serial to Ethernet Server STD | IC+ IP210T | VCOM + Datasheet, all | 18.94MB |
BF430 | 1 x Serial to Ethernet Server PRO | RDC R1610-G | | 13.7MB |
HL-SE02P-V1 | 2 x Serial to Ethernet Server Dual | ARM7 | VCOM + User Manual | 5.13KB |
PCI and PC Cards |
Part no. | Description | Processor | Files | Size |
ANPCI232X2 | PCI Serial Card 2 x port | Moschip MSC9865 | Drivers / | 3.28MB |
PCIEX2P | PCI Express Serial 2 x port | Moschip MCS9922 | Drivers / | 4.78MB |
ANEXPSS1P | Serial ExpressCard 1 x port | Prolific PL2303 | Drivers / | 4.16MB |
ANPCM232 | PCMCIA Serial 1 x port | Oxford OXCB950 | Drivers / | 1.14MB |