Ccmerged.package Download
Since Kissing_toast (MATY) stopped updating his Store Fixes, we’ll continue with a home-made version here. The Store Fixes fix problems with in-game premium items and they also fix some other item-related issues. Since the original files were very confusing to apply, we have created this easy-to-follow version, with instructions included. As usual.
Click HERE to download the latest version of the Store Fixes.
Last updated on:17-08-2014

If you downloaded and applied the fix before 7-07-2013, remove the old one COMPLETELY, including all applied files. After that download the latest version from the download link above and use that one instead! Also, if you have a file called “StoreFix_DecrapFixes_TEMP.package”, remove it!
It's absolutely important that you have the latest patch installed, otherwise you will not be able to install downloads from TSR or they won‘t behave as expected in game. Go to the Updates tab in the Game Launcher and patch your game from there.
Did you do anything to your ccmerged.package file in DCBackup? Premium content not working correctly is usally due to the file either being corrupted or removed.
Posts about Sims 3 Downloads written by illyianna2005. Hidden Springs. This was the first World I did over, I took the Save file from Loverdog then deleted nearly every Lot and then replaced all the Homes, Venue’s, Rabbit Holes Etc. Hi, Today I purchased the Sunlit Tides Gold download addon. I also purchased the Supernatural game content and Ambitions. Following the install, I get the option to download and install Sunlit Tides, which I did. This file is: ccmerged.package Gone are the days of simply hitting Ctrl+A in the DCBackup folder, and then delete. There is now a very important package file stored in your DCBackup folder: the ccmerged.package file. This ccmerged.package contains all data for all premium content. Consider the Start sims 3, Card to Settings, and either account Control Panel. Click Phone and Modem Options. Pass the Dialing Rules sims 3 fullbuild1.package download and validation.
The downloaded files on TSR can be sims3packs, package files or zip files. In case you get a ZIP after download, use the built-in ZIP handling in the operating system to extract the Sims3Packs or packages from the archive(s). If you need more information on this, check this help page by Microsoft.
Quick Installation
Double-click the Sims3Pack you have downloaded and it will install into the game.
Mass Installation
If you have downloaded a lot of Sims3Packs, place them into:
Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Downloads (PC & Mac)
If you downloaded ZIPs, you first need to extract the Sims3Packs from it, then place it in the folder mentioned above.
Start the Game Launcher and go to the Downloads tab. Select the items you want to have in your game and click Install.
Remember to uninstall an item first before you reinstall it.
In the game you recognize the custom content by the shopping bag.
Place the package files into Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages. If you don't have that folder yet, follow the instructions below.
Creating a Mods folder
In the Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3 folder, create a new folder and name it Mods. In this Mods folder create again a new folder and name it Packages.
Download the resource.cfg file here: and place it in the Mods folder (not in the Packages folder).

Ccmerged.package Download Youtube

Ccmerged.package Download
You can now place your downloaded package files in the Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 3/Mods/Packages folder.